Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Check Broadband Speed - Find A Tool

When you're deciding to check broadband speed, Streamyx Online Registration important first step is to find Streamyx good tool.

Where is Streamyx good Tool?

I usually use a file Streamyx to check broadband speed which is an easy Streamyx simple way. You can download a 1M file from a server, then you watch your clock carefully and see how long it will takes to finish. If it takes 20 seconds, then we can easily calculate Streamyx following result:

broadband speed = 1024k/20 = 51.2k/s

However, this way has some drawbacks:

1. Server's location will affect your broadband speed result;

2. Your Operating System may cache the file you downloaded before;

3. You need to watch your clock carefully to calculate the time.

This Wireless Streamyx Tool

Fortunately, I found this cool tool which will let you feel fun when you check broadband speed.

Yes, this is www.speedtest.net

Speedtest.net is a Streamyx broadband speed test with servers located all over the world. Compare your results with others and easily share them. It is a broadband Streamyx analysis tool with a huge selection of geographically dispersed Streamyx servers. They provides this service free to hundreds of thousands of people every day.

Let's Start

Firstly, let's have a look at the face of this software.

When I firstly look at this picture, I thought I am driving a jet airplane:) Yes, it has a speed Streamyx which allow you easily monitor your upload and download speed.

Then, You need to select a Streamyx from the map. (eg. we choose San Francisco to test our speed)

If you click San Francisco, you will find the panel start to rotate and there is a star moving from destination to your City.

Is it cool? Yes, it is. After couple of seconds, the result will show up Streamyx the screen.

Check broadband speed Result

Moreover, you can rate your ISP as well.

Now that's an Streamyx Short, Streamyx final and filled with some cool pictures. You can start to use this tool check broadband speed any where any time.

Tony Joy, a blogger who wants to introduce Broadband basics for beginners

Broadband Speedup Blog